Diane’s Tools

Diane’s Tools

Ayurvedic Accupressure or Marma Point Therapy

In her massage therapy practice, in tandem with essential oils, Diane uses 117 energy pathways for healing mind-body-consciousness. The 117 points are also known as marmani, which are stimulated during massage. They can also be described as Ayurvedic Accupressure and are introduced in marma point therapy.

Since each person is different, Diane focuses on certain marmani during massage, depending on the dosha, vata, pitta, or kapha consitution and other indicators.

Castor Oil Packs

The Ricinius communis is the scientific name of the castor plant. Oil from the castor plant has been used since the days of ancient Egypt as treatments. Anti-inflammatory and moisturizing, a castor oil pack includes taking a usable, flannel cloth soaked in organic castor oil and applying it externally to your skin. Diane uses castor oil packs for pelvic and abdominal treatments.

Herbal Oils and Teas

Diane customizes herbal oil blends based on your treatment and her assessment of your needs. For example, Diane customizes herbal oils and teas for newborn mothers as part of her postpartum services.</>

Kansa Wand

Kansa Vatki is an Ayurvedic foot massage. It uses a special 3-metal kansa bowl comprised of copper, tin, and zinc. The bowl is vigorously rubbed on the soles of the feet to detoxify the body while inducing tremendous relaxation. It is the fastest and most relaxing form of detoxification.

This video shows how a bronze kansa wand can be used during a treatment and how to use one for self care at home.


Mediation and massage can enhance the other. If inclined, please listen to the Blue Door Meditation or the Uterine Meditation from the (now closed) Arvigo School for Women's Health. Or, Diane recommends Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar as an ongoing source of excellent meditation practices.

Perineal Steaming

Heating water with dried flowers and herbs, such as calendula, rose, basil, and oregano, to produce steam in a basin that you sit over, Diane uses perineal steaming in tandem with massage therapy when appropriate and for clients. (Curious about what such a basin looks like? Check out these steam bath basins.)




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